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Station de montagne Saint-Sorlin d'Arves

-> ski station

Station de montagne Saint-Sorlin d'Arves

Village of character in the heart of the Hight Moutain. In Saint Sorlin d'Arves, assured disorientation ! In front of Needles of Arves and overhung by the Col de la Croix de Fer and the Etendard Glacier, it is exceptional panoramas which offer themselves to you. Fond of mountain hiking, of strong feelings or followers of play activities or idleness, in Saint Sorlin each finds his rhythm. Through heritage, landscapes, history and mysteries holidays not as the others.

weather : overcast at Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne

ciel couvert
at 4921ft
17 to 31°F

wind 6mph
gusting to 9mph

snow alert with 5in at Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne

Saturday : snow alert with 2in at Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne

Coming to Station de montagne Saint-Sorlin d'Arves

Rent a car

By train


By plane


Photos around Station de montagne Saint-Sorlin d'Arves

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