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Bigorre.org Show news, festivals on the shows agenda, to find concerts, exhibitions, the theater. Tourist information for exploring the Hautes-Pyrénées, major sites such as the Pic du Midi de Bigorre or the Pyrenees National Park, and practical information for finding a hotel in Tarbes, a hotel in Lourdes and the rest of the Hautes-Pyrénées. News shopping and technology to take advantage of sales and keep up to date with the latest news.

Bigorre.org in a few figures

Website establish in 1998 by the association Bigorre.org

Président : Stéphane Boularand

4 rue du 19 mars 1962 - 65690 Barbazan Debat - France

SIREN 451912554 - SIRET 451912554 00016

APE 58.13.20 (journaux en ligne dont le contenu principal est mis à jour au moins quatre fois par semaine, selon des intervalles de temps constants généralement quotidiens, gratuits ou payants)

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Participate in the development of Bigorre.org

The Bigorre.org website is a voluntary association site. You too can contribute to the dissemination of entertainment and tourist news in Tarbes and Hautes-Pyrénées by becoming a benefactor member for 10 € / year, by talking about us, by visiting our site and by helping us to communicate. If you have a website, you can also link to Bigorre.org.

Bigorre.org, actualité spectacle et tourisme à Tarbes et en Hautes-Pyrénées
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The Bigorre.org association thanks the Hautes-Pyrénées Departmental Council, the Tarbes Tourist Office, the Parvis, the Gespe and all those who send us their show dates for the help they bring us to the updating of the data on this site and particularly on the show agenda.

We would like to thank a partner who would participate financially in the development of this site. The cost of operating this site (domain name, site hosting, travel, equipment, etc.) is financed by the members of the association and the advertising messages identified as such. The content is completely independent of the advertisers.

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You are reading Bigorre.org for free. The weather forecast, articles on shows, tourism in the south-west, updated snow conditions in ski resorts, the Tarbes guide, everything is free. Free for you, but not for us because neither the hardware, nor the software, nor the editorial costs, nor the web hosting and other technical costs are free for us. Bigorre.org is funded by banner ads at the bottom of pages that generate revenue when you click on them (that's CPC, cost per click) or when displayed (CPM, cost per 1,000 impressions). Advertising revenues that are reduced if you do not accept cookies that serve to deliver targeted advertisements that combine higher click-through rates and more generous commissions. The site is also financed by the commissions generated during sales made after clicking on a partner store as part of the affiliation. So to continue to enjoy free on Bigorre.org, accept advertisements and favor our partner stores for your orders!

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Annonceurs : faites de la pub sur Bigorre.org

Les 230 000 pages de Bigorre.org sont un excellent moyen de communication locale ou thématique (ski, tourisme, spectacle, événements commerciaux, ...) avec 3700 visiteurs chaque jour, et 222000 pages vues mensuellement.

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On parle de Bigorre.org

Presse écrite : plusieurs articles dans La Dépêche du Midi, La Nouvelle République des Pyrénées

Médias radios : Interview sur Europe 2 Vallée d'Aure, présence FM et 100% radio

Médias web : petitfute.com, le routard.com, la page d'accueil de www.voila.fr et beaucoup d'autres sites

Historique du site