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Pic du Midi de Bigorre (Bagnères-de-Bigorre)

Pic du Midi de Bigorre

Hotels in Pic du Midi de Bigorre,Bagnères-de-Bigorre

An exceptional view on the roof of the Pyrenees!
The Pic du Midi is the emblem of Bigorre, forming a belvedere at 2,877 meters on the rest of the chain and on the plain. It is recognizable among a hundred by its observatory which crowns it, extended by the television transmitter.
Since the 18th century, the summit of the Pic has appeared as an ideal observation site, thanks to the exceptional transparency of the atmosphere.
The scientific site has been fitted out to offer, in addition to the exceptional view, a scientific presentation of the activities carried out there.

Construction of the Pic de Midi de Bigorre

1774: The scientific history of the Pic, before being astronomical, was meteorological.
MONGE and DARCET go up to the Pic to study atmospheric pressure
1873: General DE NANSOUTY installs a provisional meteorological station where he measures pressure, temperature, humidity and various other quantities of interest to meteorology
1874: Creation of the Bagnères / Barèges road via the Col du Tourmalet.
1878: Laying of the first stone of the Observatory. A wish of Nansouty and the engineer Vaussenat (members of the Ramond de Bagnères company)
1884: First astronomical activities
1908: Construction of the first dome (current Baillaud dome)
1927: Opening of the Tourmalet-Sencours road which allows men and equipment to be transported. The transport is done by a mule track.
1930: Bernard Lyot invents the coronograph and begins his observations.
1933: The road is extended to Laquets where a hotel is built.
1949: Commissioning of the inclined plane to transport personnel and equipment from Les Laquets to the summit.
1952: Creation of the cable car between La Mongie / Taoulet and the Pic.
1957: Installation of the radio / TV transmitter at the top.
1962: Construction of the TDF building.
1963: Commissioning of the TDF antenna. Installation of the 106 cm telescope in the Gentili dome. Collaboration with NASA in the preparation of the APOLLO moon mapping and planetology missions.
1980: Commissioning of the TBL (Bernard Lyot Telescope 2 m.).
1998: Inauguration of the scientific premises
2000: Opening to the public.

address Pic du Midi de Bigorre

pic du midi

+33 825 00 2877


weather : broken clouds at Campan

nuages fragmentés
at 9439ft
29 to 44°F

wind 7mph

Coming to Pic du Midi de Bigorre

Taxi : book on Taxi Booking

activities : book on Viator

Rent a car : book on Rentalcars

By train : book on SNCF Connect

By plane :


News et spectacles de Pic du Midi de Bigorre

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News et spectacles à Bagnères-de-Bigorre

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Rémi Lesclauze, photographe de la forêt vierge pyrénéenne

Rémi Lesclauze

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Erick Vuillier, artiste éclectique et prolifique

Erick Vuillier

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Denise Samson-Disses chez elle devant un de ses tableaux/ Stéphane Boularand (c)Bigorre.org


Denise Samson-Disses, sa peinture tend vers le néant

Denise Samson-Disses

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Philippe Lhez dans son atelier-galerie de la Rue Victor Hugo à Bagnères-de-Bigorre/ Stéphane Boularand (c)Bigorre.org


Philippe Lhez, les Pyrénées au bout du pinceau

Philippe Lhez


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Pic du Midi de Bigorre

Pic du Midi de Bigorre

Pic du Midi de Bigorre

Pic du Midi de Bigorre

Pic du Midi de Bigorre

Pic du Midi de Bigorre

Pic du Midi de Bigorre

Pic du Midi de Bigorre

Pic du Midi de Bigorre

Pic du Midi de Bigorre

Pic du Midi de Bigorre

Pic du Midi de Bigorre

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Pic du Midi de Bigorre

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Construction du Pic du Midi de Bigorre

Pic du Midi de Bigorre

Pic du Midi de Bigorre

Pic du Midi de Bigorre

Pic du Midi de Bigorre