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Station de montagne Le Mont Dore

ski station

Station de montagne Le Mont Dore

Hotels in Station de montagne Le Mont Dore,


At an altitude of 1050m, in the high Dordogne Valley and at the foot of le Puy de Sancy, highest peak in Massif Central (1885m), le Mont-Dore is situated in the heart of the Natural Park of the Auvergne lakes and volcanoes. Considered as a family resort, le Mont-Dore conciliates heath, sports and leisure. Starting point for visiting the Auvergne area (volcanoes, lakes, castles, Romanesque churches...), the resort is also well-known for the quality of its entertainments all year long (Sancy Snow Jazz Festival, musical meetings in July and August, the international hill race in August). Le Mont-Dore offers a wide range of activities: summer tobogganing, tree adventure courses, zip lines, climbing, horse riding, fitness, mountain biking, hiking, golf. For leisure cinema, pub, bowling, ice rink, riding school...

weather : light snow at Mont-Dore

faible chute de neige
at 3937ft
19 to 34°F

wind 5mph
gusting to 9mph

Coming to Station de montagne Le Mont Dore

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activities : book on Viator

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Photos around Station de montagne Le Mont Dore

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