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presentation of Le BIA (Brevet d'Initiation Aéronautique)

Le BIA (Brevet d'Initiation Aéronautique)

The BIA is a french diploma delivered by the National Education which aims to introduce young people to the different components of aeronautics and space, whether for your leisure or to consider a professional orientation.
It makes it possible to obtain additional scholarships from aeronautical federations for those who want to learn to fly a plane or glider. It is also very appreciated by recruiters, whether civilian or military.
It is most often prepared within flying clubs or high schools with courses, flights in an airplane, microlight or glider, and visits to aeronautical sites such as a military air base, an aeronautical construction site or the tower of control of an airport.
At the end of the year, students take the Aeronautical Initiation Certificate made up of five tests in the form of a multiple choice quiz. A total of 100 questions from Meteorology and aerology, Aerodynamics, aerostatics and principles of flight, Study of aircraft and spacecraft, Navigation, regulations, flight safety, History and culture of aeronautics and space. There is also an optional aviation English test.
More information from your nearest flying club, your school if you are a middle or high school student, or from the CIRAS of your academy.

shows seen and news from Le BIA (Brevet d'Initiation Aéronautique)

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Malandain Ballet Biarritz ouvre la saison du Parvis


Malandain Ballet Biarritz ouvre la saison du Parvis

Ballet de Biarritz
Thierry Malandain

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

le sujet et la correction personelle du BIA 2024/ Stéphane Boularand (c)Bigorre.org


Le BIA (Brevet d'Initiation Aéronautique)

Sujet et corrigé du BIA 2024

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Examen du BIA


Le BIA (Brevet d'Initiation Aéronautique)

Dernier virage avant la finale BIA 2024

Sunday, December 24, 2023

Le Major Christophe Dupuy de l’armée de l’air aux cotés de Cyrille Courade, Proviseur du Lycée Jean Dupuy pour remettre les diplômes aux lauréats du BIA/ Stéphane Boularand (c)Bigorre.org


Le BIA (Brevet d'Initiation Aéronautique)

Le lycée Jean Dupuy et l’armée de l’air remettent les diplômes du BIA

Lycée Jean Dupuy

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Un des élèves de l’option aéronautique prêt à faire son (en)vol


Le BIA (Brevet d'Initiation Aéronautique)

Ils donnent des ailes à des élèves du Lycée Jean Dupuy

Lycée Jean Dupuy
Aéroclub de Bigorre

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Sujet et corrigé du BIA 2023


Le BIA (Brevet d'Initiation Aéronautique)

Sujet et corrigé du BIA 2023
