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Station de montagne Risoul

ski station

Station de montagne Risoul

Hotels in Station de montagne Risoul,


At 1850 m in altitude, the resort is nestled within a larch forest,its wood and stone clad cottages and residencesgive it the aspect of a mountain village that has lived through time and seasons. With a total of 18 000 beds, hotels, holiday village, tourist residences, furnished apartments for rent, are the different accomodation possibilities. The main street and the piste-front present the heart of an animated and joyful resort.

weather : overcast at Guillestre

ciel couvert
at 6070ft
18 to 36°F

wind 4mph

Coming to Station de montagne Risoul

Taxi : book on Taxi Booking

activities : book on Viator

Rent a car : book on Rentalcars

By train : book on SNCF Connect

By plane :


Photos around Station de montagne Risoul

Station de montagne Vars

Station de montagne Vars

Station de montagne Les Orres

Station de montagne Les Orres